#pragma once #define MAXN 50 #define STU_F "C:\stu_cour_info_system\date\student.txt" //文件存放路径及文件名 #define COUR_F "C:\stu_cour_info_system\date\course.txt" //文件存放路径及文件名 #define MAN_F "C:\stu_cour_info_system\date\manager.txt" //文件存放路径及文件名 #define STU_F_BACKUP "C:\stu_cour_info_system\backup\student.txt" //备份文件存放路径及文件名 #define COUR_F_BACKUP "C:\stu_cour_info_system\backup\course.txt" //备份文件存放路径及文件名 #define MAN_F_BACKUP "C:\stu_cour_info_system\backup\manager.txt" //备份文件存放路径及文件名 struct student //学生信息结构体 { char name[MAXN]; //姓名 char num[MAXN]; //学号 char sch_cla[20]; //学院和班级 double score_all = 0; //应选总学分 double score_sel = 0; //已选课总学分 char password[9]; //学生登陆密码,共8位 int course_sum; //选课总数 char course[50][MAXN]; //记录选课课程的编号 struct student *next; //链表指针 }; struct course //课程信息结构体 { char num[MAXN]; //课程编号 char name[MAXN]; //课程名称 char nature[MAXN]; //课程性质 char term[MAXN]; //开课学期 double time_all; //总学时 double time_teach; //授课学时 double time_exp; //实验或上机学时 double score; //该课程学分 int stu_max; //能够容纳的学生总数 int stu_sum; //已经选课学生总数 char stu[100][MAXN]; //已经选课学生学号 struct course *next; //链表指针 }; /*通用函数*/ int judge_num(char *ch); //用于检测输入的字符串ch是否全部为数字,全部为数字则返回1,否则返回0 int input_num(); //用于输入数字,如果输入的全部为数字则返回该数字,否则一直停在输入状态 double input_double(); //用于输入小数 int input_limit(int n); //输入选项,控制输入的数字范围为0-n,在这个范围内则返回该数字,否则一直停在输入状态 int input_limit0(int n); int keyexam(char *actual_key, char *input_key); //密码检测函数,x为密码位数,actul_key[]为真实密码,input_key为输入密码,密码匹配返回1否则返回0 student* load_stu(); //将学生文件生成链表,返回链表头指针 void store_stu(student *p_head); //将学生链表存入学生文件,需传入链表头指针 course* load_cour(); //将课程文件生成链表,返回链表头指针 void store_cour(course *p_head); //将课程链表存入课程文件,需传入链表头指针 student* locate_end(student *head); //传入头节点,返回尾节点 course* locate_end(course *head); //传入头节点,返回尾节点 void help(); //显示帮助信息 int link_count(student* head); int link_count(course* head); //计算链表节点数量 int judge_ascii_num(char in[]); //检测输入是否全部为ASCII的数字,是返回1否则返回0 /*管理员函数*/ int man_login(); //管理员登陆函数,密码正确返回1,否则返回0 int man_menu(); //管理员主菜单,返回对应的输入值 void student_add(student *head); //增加学生的函数 void student_delete(student *head); //删除学生的函数 void man_search_stu(student *head); //搜索学生的函数 void student_modify(student *head); //管理员修改学生信息 void course_add(course *head); //增加课程的函数 void course_delete(course *head); //删除课程的函数 void course_modify(course *head); //修改课程信息的函数 void print_all(); //打印所有学生和课程的函数 void man_modifyKey(); //管理员修改密码 void man_backups_recover(); //管理员备份和恢复数据 void courseshowone_man(course *ad); //管理员显示一门课程信息 void courseshowall_man(course *ad); //管理员显示所有课程信息 /*学生函数*/ student* stu_login(student* head); //学生登陆函数,学号和密码都正确则返回链表中该学生的指针,错误则返回null int stu_menu(); //学生菜单,返回对应的输入值 void student_showone(student *p); //显示一个学生的信息 void student_showall(student *head); //显示所有学生的信息 student *studentnamefind_char(student *head, char tar[]); //根据学生姓名查找学生,如果学生为头节点则返回空指针,不为头节点则返回前一个节点的指针,不存在则返回尾节点 student *studentnamefind_num(student *head, char tar[]); //根据学生学号查找学生,如果学生为头节点则返回空指针,不为头节点则返回前一个节点的指针,不存在则返回尾节点 void stu_modifyKey(student* stu); //学生修改密码 void coursechoose(course* head, student* stu); //选课函数,min为最少要达到的学分 void courseshow_nature(course *head); //根据课程性质查找并显示课程信息 void courseshow_term(course *head); //根据开课学期查找并显示课程信息 void cour_nat_te(course* head); //根据课程性质与开课学期组合查找课程信息 void coursenumfindtip(course *head); //查课子函数 void coursenamefindtip(course *head); //查课子函数2 void stu_dele_cour(course* head, student* stu); //删除已选课程 /*课程函数*/ void course_showone(course *ad); //显示一门的信息 void course_showall(course *head); //显示所有课程的信息 void search_course(course *head); //搜索课程的函数 course *coursenamefind_char(course* head, char tar[]); //根据课程名称查找课程节点,如果课程为头节点则返回空指针,不为头节点则返回前一个节点的指针,不存在则返回尾节点 course *coursenumfind_num(course* head, char tar[]); //根据课程编号查找课程,如果课程为头节点则返回空指针,不为头节点则返回前一个节点的指针,不存在则返回尾节点
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include"all.h" student* stu_head; course* cour_head; course *cour_tail; student *stu_tail; //这四个指针是全局变量 int main() { /*对四个指针变量初始化*/ stu_head = load_stu(); //stu_head指向学生链表头 stu_tail = locate_end(stu_head); //stu_tail指向学生链表尾 cour_head = load_cour(); //cour_head指向课程链表头 cour_tail = locate_end(cour_head); //cour_tail指向课程链表尾 //{/*这段代码用于生成原始管理员密码:10个0; // 编译链接后执行一次然后注释掉*/ // FILE *fp = fopen(MAN_F, "w+"); // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) // { // fputc('0', fp); // } // fclose(fp); //} printf("ntt--------------------------------欢迎使用选课系统!---------------------------------n"); int status=-1; while (1)//判断登陆类型 { status = -1; printf("nntt*****请选择登陆类型 [1]学生 [2]管理员 [3]显示帮助 [0]退出系统:"); status = input_limit0(3); if ((status == 0) || (status == 1) || (status == 2)||(status==3)) break; else printf("ntt##### 输入错误!只能选择1、2或0 #######n"); } while (1) { if (status == 2)//管理员登陆 { if (man_login() == 1) { printf("nntt-----------------------------------管理员登陆成功!--------------------------------nn"); int menu_return = man_menu(); while (1) { switch (menu_return) { case 1: student_add(stu_head); break; case 2: student_delete(stu_head); break; case 3: student_modify(stu_head); break; case 4: man_search_stu(stu_head); break; case 5: course_add(cour_head); break; case 6: course_delete(cour_head); break; case 7: course_modify(cour_head); break; case 8: search_course(cour_head); break; case 9: print_all(); break; case 10: man_modifyKey(); break; case 11: man_backups_recover(); break; case 0: break; default: printf("ttt#####输入错误,请重新输入######!n"); } if (menu_return == 0) break; menu_return = man_menu(); } } else printf("tt######密码错误,请重新登陆!######n"); } else if (status == 1)//student login { student* p_stu = stu_login(stu_head); if (p_stu != NULL)//p_stu为指向该学生的指针 { printf("tt*******请输入登陆密码:"); char input[100]; scanf("%s", input); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(p_stu->password, input) == 0) { printf("nntt-----------------------------%s 欢迎进入选课系统! ---------------------------------nn", p_stu->name); int menu_return = stu_menu(); while (1) { switch (menu_return) { case 1: course_showall(cour_head); break; case 2: search_course(cour_head); break; case 3: coursechoose(cour_head,p_stu); break; case 4: stu_dele_cour(cour_head, p_stu); break; case 5: student_showone(p_stu); break; case 6: stu_modifyKey(p_stu); break; case 0: break; default: printf("tt######输入错误,请重新输入!######n"); } if (menu_return == 0) break; menu_return = stu_menu(); } } else { printf("tt#####密码错误,请重新登陆!#######n"); } } else printf("tt#####该学号不存在,请重新登陆!######n"); p_stu = NULL; } else if (status == 3)//显示帮助信息 help(); else if (status == 0)//关闭系统 return 0; while (1)//再次判断登陆类型 { status = -1; printf("nntt*****请选择登陆类型 [1]学生 [2]管理员 [3]显示帮助 [0]退出系统:"); status = input_limit0(3); if ((status == 0) || (status == 1) || (status == 2) || (status == 3)) break; else printf("ntt##### 输入错误!只能选择1、2或0 #######n"); } } }
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include"all.h" #include<stdlib.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<ctype.h> extern student* stu_head; extern course* cour_head; extern course *cour_tail; extern student *stu_tail; // 这四个指针变量在main.cpp中已经声明为全局变量 int keyexam(char *actual_key, char *input_key)//密码正确则返回1,否则返回0 { if (strcmp(actual_key, input_key) == 0) return 1; else return 0; } student* load_stu()//经调试已经正确 { int count = 0; FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(STU_F, "r")) == NULL) { printf("ttcannot open the file:STU_Fn"); exit(0); } student* temp = (student*)malloc(sizeof(student)); while (!feof(fp)) { if (fread(temp, sizeof(student), 1, fp)) count++; } free(temp); temp = NULL; if (count == 0) return NULL; else { rewind(fp); student *p_head = NULL;//文件中有链表信息,则创建一个头指针 p_head = (student*)malloc(sizeof(student)); fread(p_head, sizeof(student), 1, fp);//用文件内容初始化链表节点 p_head->next = NULL; count--; student* p_new = p_head; student* p_end = p_head; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { p_new = (student*)malloc(sizeof(student)); fread(p_new, sizeof(student), 1, fp); p_new->next = NULL; p_end->next = p_new; p_end = p_new; } fclose(fp); return p_head; } } void store_stu(student * p_head)//经调试已正确 { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(STU_F, "w")) == NULL)//以只写方式打开文件,覆盖以前数据 { printf("t***STU_F missed,please quit the system and check for that!nn"); exit(0); } while (p_head != NULL)//将链表所有节点写入缓冲区 { fwrite(p_head, sizeof(student), 1, fp);//将链表一个节点写入缓冲区 p_head = p_head->next; //p_head指向下一个节点 } fclose(fp);//保存文件,清空缓冲区 } course * load_cour() { int count = 0; FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(COUR_F, "r")) == NULL) { printf("ttcannot open the file:COUR_Fn"); exit(0); } course* temp = (course*)malloc(sizeof(course)); while (!feof(fp)) { if (fread(temp, sizeof(course), 1, fp)) count++; } free(temp); temp = NULL; if (count == 0) return NULL; else { rewind(fp); course *p_head = NULL;//文件中有链表信息,则创建一个头指针 p_head = (course*)malloc(sizeof(course)); fread(p_head, sizeof(course), 1, fp);//用文件内容初始化链表节点 p_head->next = NULL; count--; course* p_new = p_head; course* p_end = p_head; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { p_new = (course*)malloc(sizeof(course)); fread(p_new, sizeof(course), 1, fp); p_new->next = NULL; p_end->next = p_new; p_end = p_new; } fclose(fp); return p_head; } } void store_cour(course * p_head) { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(COUR_F, "w")) == NULL)//以只写方式打开文件,覆盖以前数据 { printf("t***COUR_F missed,please quit the system and check for that!nn"); exit(0); } while (p_head != NULL)//将链表所有节点写入缓冲区 { fwrite(p_head, sizeof(course), 1, fp);//将链表一个节点写入缓冲区 p_head = p_head->next; //p_head指向下一个节点 } fclose(fp);//保存文件,清空缓冲区 } student * locate_end(student * head) { student* end = head; while (head != NULL) { end = head; head = head->next; } return end; } course* locate_end(course * head) { course* end = head; while (head != NULL) { end = head; head = head->next; } return end; } void help() { int input = -1; while (1) { printf("ntt*****请选择需要的帮助类型 [1]学生帮助 [2]管理员帮助 [3]版权信息 [0]返回主页:"); scanf("%d", &input); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (input == 0) break; else if (input == 1)//学生使用说明 { printf("ntt--------------------------------学生使用说明---------------------------------------n"); printf("tt密码:初始密码为学号,忘记密码请联系管理员n"); printf("ttn"); printf("ttn"); printf("ttn"); printf("tt-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------nn"); } else if (input == 2)//管理员使用说明 { printf("ntt-------------------------------管理员使用说明---------------------------------------n"); printf("tt密码:初始密码为10个0,首次使用务必修改密码!n"); printf("tt警告:该软件的文件夹必须放在C盘根目录下,否则不能使用!n"); printf("tt提示:请定时备份数据,防止数据丢失!n"); printf("tt提示:学生学号和课程编号只能是数字!n"); printf("tt------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nn"); } else if (input == 3)//版权信息 { printf("ntt------------------------------版权信息-------------------------------------------------n"); printf("tt软件名称:学生及课程信息管理系统n"); printf("tt开发人员:焦智洋、文诗波、韩旭n"); printf("tt版本:beta1.0n"); printf("tt版权保护:版权所有,翻版必究n"); printf("tt---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nn"); } else printf("ntt#####输入错误,请重新输入!#####n"); } } int link_count(student * head) { int count = 0; while (head != NULL) { count++; head = head->next; } return count; } int link_count(course * head) { int count = 0; while (head != NULL) { count++; head = head->next; } return count; } int judge_ascii_num(char in[]) { int i = 0; while (in[i]!=' ') { if ((in[i] < '0') || (in[i] > '9')) return 0; i++; } return 1; } int judge_num(char *ch) { int sum = 0, len = strlen(ch); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (ch[i] >= '0'&&ch[i] <= '9') sum++; } if (sum == len) return 1; else return 0; } int input_num() { int num; char buf[MAXN]; while ((scanf("%s", buf) == 0) || (judge_num(buf) == 0)) { while (getchar() != 'n'); printf("ntt###输入错误,请重新输入:"); } num = atoi(buf); return num; } double input_double() { double temp = -1.00; while (1) { scanf("%lf", &temp); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (temp < 0) printf("ntt#####输入错误,请重新输入:"); else break; } return temp; } double judge_input_dou() { printf("ntt是否修改该项?[1]修改 [0]不修改:"); int judge = 0; scanf("%d", &judge); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (judge == 1) { while (1) { printf("ntt请输入修改后的内容:"); double in = 0.00; scanf("%lf", &in); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (in<=0) printf("ntt#####输入错误,请重新输入!######"); else { return in; break; } } } else return -1.0; } course *coursenamefind_char(course* head, char tar[])//根据课程名称查找课程节点,返回前一节点地址 { course *p, *q; p = head; q = NULL; while (p != NULL) { if (strcmp(tar, p->name) == 0) return q; q = p; p = p->next; } return q; } course *coursenumfind_num(course* head, char tar[])//根据课程编号查找课程 {course *p, *q; p = head; q = NULL; while (p != NULL) { if (strcmp(tar, p->num)==0) return q; q = p; p = p->next; } return q; } student *studentnamefind_char(student *head, char tar[]) { student *p, *q; p = head; q = NULL; while (p != NULL) { if (strcmp(tar, p->name) == 0) return q; q = p; p = p->next; } return q; } student* studentnamefind_num(student *head, char tar[]) { student *p, *q; p = head; q = NULL; while (p != NULL) { if (strcmp(tar, p->num) == 0) return q; q = p; p = p->next; } return q; } int input_limit(int n) { int m; while (1) { m = input_num(); if (m > 0 && m <= n) break; printf("ntt####无此选项,请重新输入!####n"); } return m; } int input_limit0(int n) { int m; while (1) { m = input_num(); if (m >= 0 && m <= n) break; printf("ntt####无此选项,请重新输入!####n"); } return m; } void student_showone(student *p) { printf("ntt------------------------------------------------------"); printf("ntt学号:%s", p->num); printf("ntt姓名:%s", p->name); printf("ntt学院与班级:%s", p->sch_cla); printf("ntt密码:%s", p->password); if (p->course_sum == 0) printf("ntt该学生无已选课程!n"); else { printf("ntt已选课程:n"); for (int i = 0; i < p->course_sum; i++) printf("ttt[%d]:%sn", i + 1, p->course[i]); } printf("tt选课总数:%d", p->course_sum); printf("ntt已选课程总学分:%lf", p->score_sel); printf("ntt已得学分统计:%lf", p->score_all); printf("ntt------------------------------------------------------"); } void student_showall(student *head) { student *p; p = head; while (p != NULL) { student_showone(p); p = p->next; } } void course_showone(course *ad) { if (ad == NULL) printf("tt无课程n"); else { printf("ntt------------------------------------------------------"); printf("ntt课程名称:%sn", ad->name); printf("ntt课程编号:%sn", ad->num); printf("tt课程性质:%sn", ad->nature); printf("tt开课学期:%sn", ad->term); printf("tt总学时:%lfn", ad->time_all); printf("tt授课学时:%lfn", ad->time_teach); printf("tt实验或上机学时:%lfn", ad->time_exp); printf("tt学分:%lfnn", ad->score); printf("ntt------------------------------------------------------"); } } void course_showall(course *head) { course *p; p = head; while (p != NULL) { course_showone(p); p = p->next; } return; } void cour_nat_te(course* head) { while (1) { printf("ntt请输入要查找课程的性质,返回上级菜单请输入0000:"); char input1[50]; scanf("%s", input1); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(input1, "0000") == 0) break; printf("ntt请输入要查找课程的开课学期:"); char input2[50]; scanf("%s", input2); while (getchar() != 'n'); int count = 0; while (head != NULL) { if ((strcmp(input1, head->nature) == 0) && (strcmp(input2, head->term) == 0)) { course_showone(head); count++; } head = head->next; } if (count == 0) printf("ntt#####没有符合查找条件的课程!#####n"); } } void search_course(course *head) { int flag; while (true) { flag = 0; printf("ntt请输入查找条件 [1]课程编号 [2]课程名称 [3]课程性质ntt[4]开课学期 [5]课程性质与开课学期 [0]返回上级菜单:"); scanf("%d", &flag); while (getchar() != 'n'); switch (flag) { case(1):coursenumfindtip(head); break; case(2):coursenamefindtip(head); break; case(3):courseshow_nature(head); break; case(4):courseshow_term(head); break; case(5):cour_nat_te(head); break; case(0):break; default: printf("ntt#####输入错误,请重新输入!#####"); } if (flag == 0) break; } }
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include"all.h" #include<stdlib.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<ctype.h> extern student* stu_head; extern course* cour_head; extern course *cour_tail; extern student *stu_tail; // 这四个指针变量在main.cpp中已经声明为全局变量 int man_login() { FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(MAN_F, "r")) == NULL) { printf("tt#######无法找到文件:MAN_F######n"); return -1; } char key[11]; fread(key, 10, 1, fp); key[10] = ' '; fclose(fp); char input[1000]; printf("tt*******请输入管理员密码:"); scanf("%s", input); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(input, key) == 0) return 1; else return 0; } int man_menu() { printf("ntt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~管理员菜单~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); printf("ntt---[1]:添加学生"); printf("ntt---[2]:删除学生"); printf("ntt---[3]:修改学生信息"); printf("ntt---[4]:查找学生信息n"); printf("ntt---[5]:添加课程"); printf("ntt---[6]:删除课程"); printf("ntt---[7]:修改课程信息"); printf("ntt---[8]:查找课程信息n"); printf("ntt---[9]:打印所有课程/学生信息"); printf("ntt---[10]:修改管理员密码"); printf("ntt---[11]:数据备份与恢复"); printf("ntt---[0]:注销n"); printf("ntt----请从<0-10>中选择操作类型:"); int n = input_limit0(11); return n; } void student_add(student *head) //增加学生的函数 { while (1) { char input[50]; while (1) { printf("ntt请输入要添加学生的学号(数字),返回上级菜单请输入0000:"); scanf("%s", input); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (judge_ascii_num(input) == 1) break; else printf("ntt####输入错误!#####"); } if (strcmp(input, "0000") == 0) break; if (studentnamefind_num(stu_head, input) != stu_tail) { printf("tt###已存在该学生,请重新输入!####n"); continue; } /*初始化学生信息*/ student* p = (student *)malloc(sizeof(student)); strcpy(p->num, input); printf("tt请输入学生姓名:"); scanf("%s", p->name); while (getchar() != 'n'); printf("tt请输入学生学院和班级(用--隔开):"); scanf("%s", p->sch_cla); while (getchar() != 'n'); printf("tt请输入当前该学生总学分:"); p->score_all = input_double(); p->course_sum = 0; p->score_sel = 0.0; strcpy(p->password, p->num); if (stu_head == NULL)//当前链表中没有节点 { p->next = NULL; stu_head = p; stu_tail = p; } else { if (strcmp(p->num, stu_head->num) < 0)//新增节点的标号比头节点还小 { p->next = stu_head; stu_head = p; } else if (strcmp(p->num, stu_tail->num) > 0)//新增节点的标号比尾节点还大 { p->next = NULL; stu_tail->next = p; stu_tail = p; } else//新增节点的标号在头节点和尾节点之间 { student* temp = stu_head; while (temp != stu_tail) { if (strcmp(p->num, temp->num) > 0) { p->next = temp->next; temp->next = p; break; } } } } printf("ntt学生信息录入成功!n"); } store_stu(stu_head); } void student_delete(student *head) { while (true) { printf("ntt请输入要删除学生的学号或姓名,取消删除请输入0000:"); char input[50]; scanf("%s", input); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(input, "0000") == 0) break; student *p; if ((input[0] >= 48) && (input[0] <= 57)) p = studentnamefind_num(stu_head, input); else p = studentnamefind_char(stu_head, input); if (p == stu_tail)//没有该学生 { printf("ntt####没有该学生信息!#####"); continue; } printf("ntt确定删除%s?[1]是 [0]否:", input); int in = 0; scanf("%d", &in); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (in == 1) { if (p == NULL)//链表头节点 { if (stu_head->next == NULL) { stu_tail = NULL; } student* temp = stu_head; stu_head = stu_head->next; free(temp); temp = NULL; } else if (p->next == stu_tail)//链表尾节点 { p->next = NULL; free(stu_tail); stu_tail = p; } else//链表中间节点 { student* delete_point = p->next; p->next = delete_point->next; free(delete_point); delete_point = NULL; } printf("ntt已经删除该学生的信息!n"); } else printf("ntt####未删除该学生的信息!####n"); } store_stu(stu_head); } void student_modify(student *head) { char input[100]; student* find = NULL; while (1) { printf("tt请输入要修改学生的学号或姓名,取消修改请输入0000:"); scanf("%s", input); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(input, "0000") == 0) break; if ((input[0] >= 48) && (input[0] <= 57))//按学号查找 find = studentnamefind_num(head, input); else//按姓名查找 find = studentnamefind_char(head, input); if (find == stu_tail) { printf("ntt####你所查找的学生不存在!"); continue; } else { char temp[50]; if (find == NULL) find = head; else find = find->next; printf("ntt请分别输入需要修改的内容,若某一项不需要修改请输入0"); printf("ntt原姓名:%s 修改后的姓名:", find->name); scanf("%s", &temp); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(temp, "0") != 0) strcpy(find->name, temp); printf("tt原学院和班级:%s 修改后的学院和班级(中间用--隔开):", find->sch_cla); scanf("%s", &temp); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(temp, "0") != 0) strcpy(find->sch_cla, temp); printf("tt原密码:%s 修改后的密码:", find->password); scanf("%s", &temp); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(temp, "0") != 0) strcpy(find->password, temp); printf("tt原总学分:%lf (增加学分请使用+,减少学分请使用-,例如“-10” “+10”):", find->score_all); scanf("%s", &temp); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(temp, "0") != 0) { int change = (int)temp[0]; temp[0] = '0'; double number = atof(temp); if (change == 43) find->score_all += number; else if (change == 45) find->score_all -= number; } printf("tt修改完成!nn"); } } store_stu(stu_head); } void course_add(course *head) { while (1) { char input[50]; while (1) { printf("ntt请输入要添加课程的编号,返回上一级菜单请输入0000:"); scanf("%s", input); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (judge_ascii_num(input) == 1) break; else printf("ntt#####输入错误!####"); } if (strcmp(input, "0000") == 0) break; if (coursenumfind_num(cour_head, input) != cour_tail) { printf("tt###已存在该课程,请重新输入!####n"); continue; } course* p = (course*)malloc(sizeof(course)); /*初始化课程信息*/ strcpy(p->num, input); printf("ntt请输入课程名称:"); scanf("%s", p->name); while (getchar() != 'n'); printf("ntt请输入课程性质:"); scanf("%s", p->nature); while (getchar() != 'n'); printf("ntt请输入课程总学时:"); p->time_all = input_double(); printf("ntt请输入课程授课学时:"); p->time_teach = input_double(); printf("ntt请输入课程实验或上机学时:"); p->time_exp = input_double(); printf("ntt请输入课程最大容纳人数:"); p->stu_max = input_num(); printf("ntt请输入课程学分:"); p->score = input_double(); printf("ntt请输入课程开课学期:"); scanf("%s", p->term); while (getchar() != 'n'); p->stu_sum = 0; if (cour_head == NULL)//链表中没有节点 { p->next = NULL; cour_head = p; cour_tail = p; } else { if (strcmp(p->num, cour_head->num) < 0)//新增节点的标号比头节点还小 { p->next = cour_head; cour_head = p; } else if (strcmp(p->num, cour_tail->num) > 0)//新增节点的标号比尾节点还大 { p->next = NULL; cour_tail->next = p; cour_tail = p; } else//新增节点的标号在头节点和尾节点之间 { course* temp = cour_head; while (temp != cour_tail) { if (strcmp(p->num, temp->num) > 0) { p->next = temp->next; temp->next = p; break; } } } } printf("ntt课程信息录入成功!n"); } store_cour(cour_head); } void course_delete(course *head) { course *p; char input[50]; while (true) { printf("ntt请输入要删除课程的编号或名称,取消删除请输入0000:"); scanf("%s", input); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(input, "0000") == 0) break; if ((input[0] >= 48) && (input[0] <= 57)) p = coursenumfind_num(head, input); else p = coursenamefind_char(head, input); if (p == cour_tail)//没有该课程 { printf("ntt####没有该课程信息!####"); continue; } printf("ntt确定删除%s?[1]是 [0]否:", input); int in = 0; scanf("%d", &in); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (in == 1) { if (p == NULL)//链表头节点 { if (head->next == NULL) cour_tail = NULL; course* temp = head; head = head->next; cour_head = head; free(temp); } else if (p->next == cour_tail)//链表尾节点 { free(cour_tail); p->next = NULL; cour_tail = p; } else//链表中间节点 { course* delete_point = p->next; p = (p->next)->next; free(delete_point); } printf("ntt%s已经删除!n", input); } else printf("ntt#####未删除课程%s的信息!######n", input); } store_cour(cour_head); } void course_modify(course *head) { char input[100]; course* find = NULL; while (1) { printf("tt请输入要修改课程的编号号或名称,取消修改请输入0000:"); scanf("%s", input); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(input, "0000") == 0) break; if ((input[0] >= 48) && (input[0] <= 57))//按学号查找 find = coursenumfind_num(head, input); else//按姓名查找 find = coursenamefind_char(head, input); if (find == cour_tail) { printf("ntt####你所查找的课程不存在!####"); continue; } else { char temp[50]; if (find == NULL) find = head; else find = find->next; printf("ntt请分别输入需要修改的内容,若某一项不需要修改请输入0"); printf("ntt原名称:%s 修改后的名称:", find->name); scanf("%s", &temp); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(temp, "0") != 0) strcpy(find->name, temp); printf("tt原性质:%s 修改后的性质:", find->nature); scanf("%s", &temp); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(temp, "0") != 0) strcpy(find->nature, temp); printf("tt原开课学期:%s 修改后的开课学期:", find->term); scanf("%s", &temp); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(temp, "0") != 0) strcpy(find->term, temp); //int time_all; //总学时 //int time_teach; //授课学时 //int time_exp; //实验或上机学时 //int score; //该课程学分 //int stu_max; //能够容纳的学生总数 printf("tt原总学时:%lf 修改后的总学时:", find->time_all); scanf("%s", &temp); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(temp, "0") != 0) find->time_all = atof(temp); printf("tt原授课学时:%lf 修改后的授课学时:", find->time_teach); scanf("%s", &temp); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(temp, "0") != 0) find->time_teach = atof(temp); printf("tt原实验或上机学时:%lf 修改后的实验或上机学时:", find->time_exp); scanf("%s", &temp); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(temp, "0") != 0) find->time_exp = atof(temp); printf("tt原课程学分:%lf 修改后的课程学分:", find->score); scanf("%s", &temp); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(temp, "0") != 0) find->score = atof(temp); printf("tt原能容纳学生总数:%d 修改后的能容纳学生总数:", find->stu_max); scanf("%s", &temp); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(temp, "0") != 0) find->stu_max = atoi(temp); printf("tt修改完成!nn"); } } store_cour(cour_head); } void print_all() { while (1) { printf("ntt选择操作类型: [1]打印所有学生信息 [2]打印所有课程信息 [0]返回主菜单:"); int input = 0; scanf("%d", &input); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (input == 1) { printf("ntt学生总数:%d", link_count(stu_head)); student_showall(stu_head); } else if (input == 2) { printf("ntt课程总数:%dn", link_count(cour_head)); courseshowall_man(cour_head); } else if (input == 0) break; else printf("ntt####输入错误!请重新输入!#####n"); } } void man_modifyKey() { printf("tt******请输入原密码(10位):"); char input[20]; scanf("%s", input); while (getchar() != 'n'); FILE *fp; if ((fp = fopen(MAN_F, "r")) == NULL) { printf("tt-------- 无法打开文件:MAN_Fn"); exit(0); } char keyOld[11]; fread(keyOld, 10, 1, fp); keyOld[10] = ' '; if (strcmp(keyOld, input) == 0)//修改 { fclose(fp); char new1[100]; char new2[100]; while (1) { printf("tt*******请输入新密码(10位):"); scanf("%s", new1); while (getchar() != 'n'); printf("tt******请再次确认新密码(10位):"); scanf("%s", new2); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (keyexam(new1, new2) == 1) { fp = fopen(MAN_F, "w"); fwrite(new1, 10, 1, fp); fclose(fp); printf("ntt------密码修改成功!n"); break; } else printf("tt####前后密码不一致,请重新输入!####n"); } } else { fclose(fp); printf("tt####原密码输入错误,请重新选择操作类型####n"); } } void man_backups_recover() { printf("tt*****[1]数据备份 [2]数据恢复 [3]取消n"); printf("tt*****选择操作类型:"); int input = 0; scanf("%d", &input); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (input == 1) { FILE *fp_source; FILE *fp_destination; {//课程信息备份 if ((fp_source = fopen(COUR_F, "r")) == NULL) { printf("tt##课程数据备份失败:无法找到COUR_F文件!##n"); exit(0); } fp_destination = fopen(COUR_F_BACKUP, "w"); char temp; int count = 0; while (!feof(fp_source)) { if (fread(&temp, 1, 1, fp_source)) count++; } rewind(fp_source); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { fread(&temp, 1, 1, fp_source); fwrite(&temp, 1, 1, fp_destination); } fclose(fp_destination); fclose(fp_source); } {//学生信息备份 if ((fp_source = fopen(STU_F, "r")) == NULL) { printf("tt##学生数据备份失败:无法找到STU_F文件!##n"); exit(0); } fp_destination = fopen(STU_F_BACKUP, "w"); char temp; int count = 0; while (!feof(fp_source)) { if (fread(&temp, 1, 1, fp_source)) count++; } rewind(fp_source); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { fread(&temp, 1, 1, fp_source); fwrite(&temp, 1, 1, fp_destination); } fclose(fp_destination); fclose(fp_source); } {//管理员信息备份 if ((fp_source = fopen(MAN_F, "r")) == NULL) { printf("tt##管理员数据备份失败:无法找到MAN_F文件!##n"); exit(0); } fp_destination = fopen(MAN_F_BACKUP, "w"); char temp; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { fread(&temp, 1, 1, fp_source); fwrite(&temp, 1, 1, fp_destination); } fclose(fp_destination); fclose(fp_source); } printf("ntt所有数据已经备份完毕!备份目录为C: stu_cour_info_systembackupn"); } else if (input == 2) { printf("tt选择恢复类型:[1]课程数据 [2]学生数据 [3]管理员数据:"); int in = 0; scanf("%d", &in); while (getchar() != 'n'); FILE *fp_source; FILE *fp_destination; if (in == 1)//course information recover { //课程信息恢复 if ((fp_source = fopen(COUR_F_BACKUP, "r")) == NULL) { printf("tt###课程信息恢复失败!未能找到C:\stu_cour_info_system\backup\course_back.txt###n"); exit(0); } fp_destination = fopen(COUR_F, "w"); char temp; int count = 0; while (!feof(fp_source)) { if (fread(&temp, 1, 1, fp_source)) count++; } rewind(fp_source); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { fread(&temp, 1, 1, fp_source); fwrite(&temp, 1, 1, fp_destination); } fclose(fp_destination); fclose(fp_source); printf("ntt课程信息恢复成功!n"); cour_head = load_cour(); cour_tail = locate_end(cour_head); } else if (in == 2)//student information recover { //学生信息恢复 if ((fp_source = fopen(STU_F_BACKUP, "r")) == NULL) { printf("tt###学生信息恢复失败!未能找到C:\stu_cour_info_system\backup\student_back!###n"); exit(0); } fp_destination = fopen(STU_F, "w"); char temp; int count = 0; while (!feof(fp_source)) { if (fread(&temp, 1, 1, fp_source)) count++; } rewind(fp_source); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { fread(&temp, 1, 1, fp_source); fwrite(&temp, 1, 1, fp_destination); } fclose(fp_destination); fclose(fp_source); printf("ntt学生数据恢复成功!n"); stu_head = load_stu(); stu_tail = locate_end(stu_head); } else if (in == 3)//manager information recover { //恢复管理员数据 if ((fp_source = fopen(MAN_F_BACKUP, "r")) == NULL) { printf("tt###管理员数据恢复失败!未能找到C:\stu_cour_info_system\backup\course_backn"); exit(0); } fp_destination = fopen(MAN_F, "w"); char temp; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { fread(&temp, 1, 1, fp_source); fwrite(&temp, 1, 1, fp_destination); } fclose(fp_destination); fclose(fp_source); printf("ntt管理员数据恢复成功!n"); } else printf("tt###输入错误!###n"); } else if (input == 3) ; else printf("tt###输入错误,请重新输入!####n"); } void man_search_stu(student *head) { while (1) { printf("ntt请输入学号或姓名进行查找,返回上级菜单请输入0000:"); char input[50]; scanf("%s", input); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(input, "0000") == 0) break; student* p_stu; if ((input[0] >= 48) && (input[0] <= 57)) p_stu = studentnamefind_num(head, input); else p_stu = studentnamefind_char(head, input); if (p_stu == stu_tail) { printf("ntt#####没有该学生的信息,请重新输入!#####/n"); continue; } if (p_stu == NULL) p_stu = head; else p_stu = p_stu->next; printf("ntt该学生信息如下:"); student_showone(p_stu); } } void courseshowone_man(course *ad) { if (ad == NULL) printf("无课程"); else { printf("ntt------------------------------------------------------"); printf("ntt课程编号:%sn", ad->num); printf("tt课程名称:%sn", ad->name); printf("tt课程性质:%sn", ad->nature); printf("tt开课学期:%sn", ad->term); printf("tt总学时:%lfn", ad->time_all); printf("tt授课学时:%lfn", ad->time_teach); printf("tt实验或上机学时:%lfn", ad->time_exp); printf("tt学分:%lfn", ad->score); printf("tt总容纳学生人数:%dn", ad->stu_max); printf("tt已选学生人数:%dn", ad->stu_sum); printf("tt已选学生:n"); if (ad->stu_sum == 0) printf("tt没有人选该课程n"); else for (int i = 0; i <ad->stu_sum; i++) { if (i % 5 == 0) printf("tt"); student* temp = studentnamefind_num(stu_head, ad->stu[i]); if (temp == NULL) temp = stu_head; else temp = temp->next; printf("[%d] %s", i + 1, temp->name); if (i > 0 && i % 5 == 0) printf("n"); } printf("ntt------------------------------------------------------"); } } void courseshowall_man(course *head) { course *p; p = head; if (p == NULL) { printf("tt无课程n"); return; } while (p != NULL) { courseshowone_man(p); p = p->next; } }
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include"all.h" #include<stdlib.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<ctype.h> extern student* stu_head; extern course* cour_head; extern course *cour_tail; extern student *stu_tail;// 这四个指针变量在main.cpp中已经声明为全局变量 student* stu_login(student* head) { student* copy_head = head; char input[100]; printf("tt*******请输入学号:"); scanf("%s", input); while (getchar() != 'n'); student* temp; temp = studentnamefind_num(head, input); if (temp == NULL)//the first student return copy_head; else if ((temp != NULL) && (temp->next == NULL))//no such a student return NULL; else return temp->next; } int stu_menu() { printf("ntt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~学生菜单~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"); printf("ntt---[1]:打印课程信息"); printf("ntt---[2]:查找课程信息"); printf("ntt---[3]:选择新的课程"); printf("ntt---[4]:删除已选课程"); printf("ntt---[5]:查看个人信息"); printf("ntt---[6]:修改登陆密码"); printf("ntt---[0]:注销"); printf("nntt---请从<0-6>中选择操作类型:"); int n = input_limit0(6); return n; } void courseshow_nature(course *head) { course *p; char ad[MAXN]; while (true) { int flag = 0, sum = 0; p = head; printf("tt请输入要查找课程的性质,取消查找请输入0000:"); scanf("%s", ad); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(ad, "0000") == 0) break; while (p != NULL) { if (strcmp(ad, p->nature) == 0) { course_showone(p); flag = 1; sum++; } p = p->next; } if (flag == 0) printf("ntt没有该课程!####"); } return; } void courseshow_term(course *head) { course *p; char ad[MAXN]; while (true) { int flag = 0, sum = 0; p = head; printf("tt请输入要查找课程的开课学期,取消查找请输入0000:"); scanf("%s", ad); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(ad, "0000") == 0) break; while (p != NULL) { if (strcmp(ad, p->term) == 0) { course_showone(p); flag = 1; sum++; } p = p->next; } if (flag == 0) printf("ntt#####没有该课程!#####"); } return; } void coursechoose( course* head, student* stu)//选课函数 { if (stu->score_sel <stu->score_all ) printf("ntt你的总学分少于%lf,赶快去选课吧!n", stu->score_all); while (1) { printf("ntt请输入课程的编号或名称进行选课,取消选课请输入0000:"); char input[50]; scanf("%s", input); while(getchar()!='n'); if (strcmp(input, "0000")==0) break; course* find = NULL; if ((input[0] >= 48) && (input[0] <= 57)) find = coursenumfind_num(head, input); else find = coursenamefind_char(head, input); if (find == cour_tail) { printf("ntt#####该课程不存在!请重新输入#####n"); continue; } else if (find == NULL) find = head; else find = find->next; if (find->stu_sum == find->stu_max) printf("ntt####该课程人数已满,无法选择!#####n"); else { int judge = 0; for (int i = 0; i < stu->course_sum; i++) { if (strcmp(stu->course[i], find->num)==0) {judge = 1; break;} } if (judge == 1) { printf("ntt####该课程已经选择过了!####n"); continue; } else { stu->course_sum++; strcpy(stu->course[stu->course_sum - 1], find->num); stu->score_sel += find->score; find->stu_sum++; strcpy(find->stu[find->stu_sum - 1], stu->num); printf("ntt该课程选择成功!n"); } } } store_cour(cour_head); store_stu(stu_head); } void coursenumfindtip(course *head) { char buf[MAXN]; course *result; while (true) { printf("tt请输入要查找课程的编号,取消查找请输入0000:"); scanf("%s", buf); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(buf, "0000") == 0) break; result = coursenumfind_num(head, buf); if (result != cour_tail) { if (result == NULL) result = head; else result = result->next; course_showone(result); } else printf("tt#####没有该课程!#####n"); } } void coursenamefindtip(course *head) { char buf[MAXN]; course *result; while (1) { printf("tt请输入要查找课程的名称,取消查找请输入0000:"); scanf("%s", buf); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(buf, "0000") == 0) break; result = coursenamefind_char(head, buf); if (result != cour_tail) { if (result == NULL) result = head; else result = result->next; course_showone(result); } else printf("tt#####无所查找的课程!#####n"); } } void stu_dele_cour( course * head, student * stu) { while (1) { printf("ntt请输入需要删除课程的编号,返回上级菜单请输入0000:"); char input[50]; scanf("%s", input); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (strcmp(input, "0000") == 0) break; int i = 0, result = -1; /*删除该学生记录中选课的信息*/ for (; i < stu->course_sum; i++) { if (strcmp(input, stu->course[i]) == 0) { result = i; break; } } if (result == -1) {printf("ntt####你没有选择这门课程!请重新输入!");continue;} strcpy(stu->course[result], stu->course[stu->course_sum - 1]); stu->course_sum--; course* find= coursenumfind_num(head, input); if (find == NULL) find = head; else find =find->next; /*删除该课程记录中学生的信息*/ i = 0, result = 0; for (; i < find->stu_sum; i++) { if(strcmp(input,find->stu[i])==0) { result = i; break;} } strcpy(find->stu[result], find->stu[find->stu_sum - 1]); find->stu_sum --; printf("ntt课程删除成功!n"); } store_stu(stu_head); store_cour(cour_head); } void stu_modifyKey(student* stu) { printf("tt******请输入原密码(8位):"); char input[20]; scanf("%s", input); while (getchar() != 'n'); char keyOld[10]; strcpy(keyOld, stu->password); if (keyexam(keyOld, input) == 1)//修改 { char new1[100]; char new2[100]; while (1) { printf("tt*******请输入新密码(8位):"); scanf("%s", new1); while (getchar() != 'n'); printf("tt******请再次确认新密码(8位):"); scanf("%s", new2); while (getchar() != 'n'); if (keyexam(new1, new2) == 1) { strcpy(stu->password, new1); store_stu(stu_head); printf("ntt------密码修改成功!n"); break; } else printf("tt####前后密码不一致,请重新输入!####n"); } } else printf("tt####原密码输入错误,请重新选择操作类型####n"); }
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